Most of us have to work for a living. And many of us work for at least 8 hours a day and at least 5 days a week. That's a lot of time in our lives to invest in anything, particularly if we're unhappy, bored or unfulfilled. So this podcast is all about work - Why we work, how we work, what makes a great job, what makes a great workplace, how to turn things round when we're not enjoying our work and, in the end, how we can all make our work better.

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Acting on Intelligence
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
It's been a while, but we're back with a new episode of If It's Hurting It's Not Working, our podcast all about work - how we work, why we work and what makes a great job.
We've got a fascinating topic to discuss - Artificial Intelligence and its impact on our lives and careers - and we've got a great panel to discuss it with. Not only are the three hosts - Richard, Emily and Nicola - in one place for the first time, but we also have a fantastic guest. Viv Leinster is a People, Culture and Transformation leader who we've all worked with, and yet has somehow never appeared on this podcast before.
We chat about the impact that AI applications, particularly Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, are having on the workplace, some of our personal experiences of using them and our hopes, our concerns and our expectations for the future.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please rate our podcast and leave reviews in places like Apple Podcasts and Podchaser. Also tell your family, tell your friends, tell your colleagues tell everyone you meet. But if you didn’t like it, don’t tell a soul.
In the podcast, Viv mentions the work of Ethan Mollick. Viv subcribes to the newsletter One Useful Thing | Ethan Mollick | Substack and finds it fascinating.
You can find us on our website: https://ifhurtnot.work
Our LinkedIn page is: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
Our fantastic cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who listened to what we wanted to do with the podcast and then stepped us through a series of concepts until we found the one we really liked. Thanks Bea. You can find her on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00.

Friday Jul 21, 2023
Starting All Over Again
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Richard and Nicola return with an episode about how to tackle a new job. We catch up with what's been happening with Nicola in her new role and how much of what she had planned came to pass. And Richard chips in with some observations about new jobs he's had.
Then we talk more generally about starting out somewhere new - what to look out for and how to make it a good experience for you and your new colleagues. We discuss the opportunities for reinvention, what that can do for us and whether we can reinvent or relaunch ourselves even if we stay in the same place. And we ask why it is that so many of the things that are roughly the same in any organisation are handled so differently.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please rate our podcast and leave reviews in places like Apple Podcasts and Podchaser. Also tell your family, tell your friends, tell your colleagues and anyone you meet. But if you didn’t like it, don’t tell a soul.
You can find us on our website: https://ifhurtnot.work
Our LinkedIn page is: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
Our fantastic cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who listened to what we wanted to do with the podcast and then stepped us through a series of concepts until we found the one we really liked. Thanks Bea. You can find her on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where she's selling some remarkable prints of characters from Richard's other passion, Doctor Who.

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Emily is leaving. So Nicola has joined the podcast. But she's leaving too, in a way.
We're back with an episode all about making changes and moving on. And we'll temper the thrill of making and seizing opportunities that take us away from what we know, with the knowledge that sometimes it's worth hanging on to what you already have. We have a wide ranging discussion about the value of new starts, why you might want to stay somewhere for longer and how to weigh up our options.
We say goodbye to Emily who helped to devise our format, and has been a huge part of its success. And we say hello to Nicola, who's been a strong supporter since the start. And, never one to miss an opportunity to hit you over the head with a metaphor, Richard uses his favourite TV programme to illustrate the point by recreating a famous "regeneration" scene.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please rate our podcast and leave reviews in places like Apple Podcasts and Podchaser. Also tell your family, tell your friends, tell your colleagues and random strangers in the street. But if you didn’t like it, don’t tell a soul.
You can find us on our website: https://ifhurtnot.work
Our LinkedIn page is: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
Our fantastic cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who listened to what we wanted to do with the podcast and then stepped us through a series of concepts until we found the one we really liked. Thanks Bea. You can find her on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where she's recently posted some remarkable paintings of characters from Richard's other passion, Doctor Who.

Friday Aug 12, 2022
Everything Changes
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Emily and Richard are back, albeit briefly, to talk about what's going on in each of our lives right now, why that means that you probably won't hear from us again until the autumn, and some modifications to the format that we're considering when we do return.
Thanks to all our listeners for your support during this first year of our podcast. It's meant a lot to see the interest in our episodes and to get feedback from some of you, often via our most popular social platform, LinkedIn, and sometimes in person.
Keep listening to the end, because even in this short an episode we still manage to produce a fair few outtakes.
You can find us on our website: https://ifhurtnot.work
Our LinkedIn page is: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Instagram: ifitshurtingitsnotworking
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
Our fantastic cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who listened to what we wanted to do with the podcast and then stepped us through a series of concepts until we found the one we really liked. Thanks Bea. You can find her on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where she's recently posted some remarkable paintings of characters from Richard's other passion, Doctor Who.

Friday Jul 08, 2022
Working In Concert
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
We recently had the chance to bring If It's Hurting It's Not Working to the company where we work, as a live show at three of our major sites. And it was fantastic to talk with colleagues about their working lives and some of the pivotal moments in them. While we can't share those recordings with you, as they're too company-specific, one of the highlights of the series of shows was our chat with Sean West. So Emily and Richard have remounted and expanded that discussion with Sean for everyone who was unable to hear the live version.
Sean has some great observations about what he's learned from a variety of jobs, including some that are a long way from his current role as a Chief Finance Officer. These include the importance of us all working together to achieve an outcome, the need to avoid assumptions, how we can all make an impact and how our views can be at least as valid as those who apparently have more knowledge or experience. We talk about the continued disruptions to the marketplaces in which we work and how we can best handle the impact of uncertainty on both our work and household finances.
Sean is great company and doesn't pretend to have all the answers, but his humour and honesty are infectious and he imparts plenty of wisdom along the way.
You can find us on our website: https://ifhurtnot.work
Our LinkedIn page is: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Instagram: ifitshurtingitsnotworking
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
Our fantastic cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who listened to what we wanted to do with the podcast and then stepped us through a series of concepts until we found the one we really liked. Thanks Bea. You can find her on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where she's recently posted some remarkable paintings of characters from Richard's other passion, Doctor Who.
And finally, the reason you're hearing this podcast at all is because Emily had her wits about her and pointed out that we needed to start the recording when Richard had forgotten to. As Sean says, it's all about teamwork.

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Smart Money
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
It's been a while, but Emily and Richard are back with an episode all about money.
As a cost of living crisis hits in the UK, it's a good time to discuss one of the key reasons why we all work. Yes, fulfilment and career development are really important, but work is the main or indeed only source of income for most of us. And while having money isn’t everything, when you don't have enough it's all you can think about.
We talk about our experience with money, how to have a healthy relationship with it, how to find a job that pays you enough of it and where things can go wrong. We also talk about how money struggles can impact your mental health and how to find help if that happens.
You can find us on our website: https://ifhurtnot.work
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Instagram: ifitshurtingitsnotworking
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
Artwork: @BeaGarridoArt
Money and Mental Health Policy Institute https://www.moneyandmentalhealth.org/
Samaritans https://www.samaritans.org/
Young Minds https://www.youngminds.org.uk/
CALM https://www.thecalmzone.net/
Mental Health UK https://mentalhealth-uk.org/

Monday Feb 28, 2022
In the Public Domain
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Emily and Richard have another guest on the podcast, and this time it's the fantastic Clare Salters, who tells us all about her career, which she has spent in the public and voluntary sectors. We hear what it's like to work with people and on issues that make the news and how that's not easily compatible with family life.
Clare also has some important observations on how middle-aged women are perceived in the workplace and she and Emily talk about how it's harder in general for women to have a voice at work (sometimes literally).
It's a fascinating, funny and moving discussion about a career, with a happy ending as Clare discusses the fulfilment she has found in a different set of roles.
You can find us on our website: https://ifhurtnot.work
Our LinkedIn page is: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Instagram: ifitshurtingitsnotworking
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
And finally we have the space in our show notes to discuss the fantastic cover art that was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who listened to what we wanted to do with the podcast and then stepped us through a series of concepts until we found the one we really liked. Thanks Bea. You can find her on Twitter at: @BeaGarridoArt

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Winter Blues
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
It's cold, it's dark and we've been spending too much time shut up in our own homes. Emily and Richard chat about the Winter Blues at work and what we can do to tackle them.
Website: ifhurtnot.work
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Instagram: ifitshurtingitsnotworking
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
Cover art: @BeaGarridoArt

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Who Wants To Be A CEO?
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Emily and Richard chat with their CEO Paul. We talk about Paul's life and career and it's a fascinating and thought provoking discussion on what it takes to be a leader.
Website: ifhurtnot.work
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Instagram: ifitshurtingitsnotworking
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com
Cover art: @BeaGarridoArt

Friday Dec 31, 2021
A New Leaf
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
New Year is a great opportunity for fresh starts and reinvention, so Emily and Richard discuss New Year's resolutions and how to use this time to get more from your job and career.
Website: ifhurtnot.work
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork
Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork
Instagram: ifitshurtingitsnotworking
Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com